In this era of globalisation and industrialisation every corporate aspire to raise fund abroad in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) as well keen establish operation abroad via investment in the form of Overseas Direct Investment (ODI). The ForexLaws Compliance Management is very vital aspect of such enterprise as a minor miss has major consequences.
Kamran & Associates, FLCM vertical provides the following key services:
- Compliance Management and Advisory under Foreign Exchange Management Act, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance, Government of India Policies.
- Compliance, Filings and Advisory with respect to the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
- Advisory on followings based on Govt. of India Policy on Foreign Exchange, Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Import & Export Policies (EXIM), Notifications, Circulars, Guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
- Preparation &filing of Form FC-GPR with the RBI through AD and Annual Return regarding Foreign Assets &Liabilities (FLA) and Annual Performance Report (APR) filings.
- Advisory on making application to Govt. of India (FIPB or concerned Ministries) or Regulatory Authorities (RBI) for Projects, Company Formation, Technology Transfers etc.
- Compliance and Advisory Services on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Establishment of Branch, Liaison Office, Representative Office in India
- Issue of Certificates for Issue/Allotment of shares to Non Resident Indian under FDI Route
- Advisory on Entry strategies into India
- Compliance & Advisory on Overseas Direct Investment (ODI)
- Establishment of Wholly Owned Subsidiary in India and outside India
- Registration of Company outside India
- Remuneration to Foreign Technicians &Foreign Directors
- Royalty related matters.
- Compounding under Forex Laws with the RBI.
- Compliance, Consultancy & Advisory on Forex & Overseas Transactions.